Hey everybody finally I'm watching Stanley Kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey for the very first time I hope you guys are excited to join on the ride with me. if you like these kinds of videos and of course as always leave your suggestions for more reaction videos down in the comment section down below now let's watch for the very first time 2001a space odyssey and again guys I don't know what the hell I'm getting into I don't know the plot only know the director that's all I know very excited this music is making me feel extremely edge up I don't know how to feel about it was honestly thinking if my file was corrupted or something I'm like there video, oh yes classic opening forgot about this.
That's the most epic thing i've ever seen what are those things holyman those are pretty impressive costumes for the 60's like wow that looks incredible boy this music is freaking me out interesting god this music is like what's going on. he learns how to use a tool i guess interesting i can imagine a lot of people being confused with this opening it's like i thought i was seeing a space movie oh i get it one tribe has the tools the other tribe doesn't take that jesus i don't know why it's so comical now i've heard some of the theories where you know stanley kubrick filmed the moon landing because i mean this looks incredible man that looks so incredible you know i feel like with this movie i'm gonna have to research it afterwards all the hidden meanings and symbolism and metaphors and all this stuff use even though we're in space because the classical music i do feel like i'm watching a ballet just the gracefulness of space travel hilton space station i like those little touches picture phone i always love seeing how like an older generation would see the future i find that stuff so fascinating.
This guy was in uh barry lyndon you know if i ever see space travel in my lifetime and you know flight attendants don't have headgear like that i'm gonna be very disappointed that's so cool wow i gotta look up how they did that they looked great so many instructions just to take a oh i love it that shot looks so good so cool. let me guess they find a like monolith very similar to the one in the beginning that's my prediction especially because this music is not graceful it's not orchestral ballet type music there it is creepy music and all boy god that music is so terrifying oh god what's gonna happen oh nothing no jump scares i guess. i don't like this sound i don't like it at all it's so terrifying what's that i have uh i've seen this shot before very interesting yeah that looks sick so sick now i wonder what this jupiter mission has to do with that monolith and of course now we have hal right is the same shape as the monolith right.
he's always in the lightand kaminsky aboard oh yeah there's the famous shot seen that a lot in a lot of film books got it i love that all the different colors with all the different old button sit's just so classicnow millennial complaint this is veryslowbut the fact that this took place or wasfilmed in the 60sit looks incrediblei don't think i've ever seen anythingquite like this beforenothing's wrong with it i'm having a bitof trouble with my transmitter and seepod i wonder if you'd come down and takea look at it with meyeah yeah they don't trust him and idon't trust it eitheri've got a bad feeling about him you doyeahdefinitelyoh no he can read lips can't he oh nooh boy i'm hooked nowlet's go oh boyyikes whatjust like thatwhat oh no hal's gonna kill those guysisn't heoh yeah where is it where does it stophmmso i wonder if hal is doing this on purposeor if he actually is having amalfunctionopen the pod doors please oh god he'snot gonna let him ini'm sorry dave i'm afraid i can't dothatoh no what's the problemi could see your lips move there it isoh man i'd be so pissedand i'd be freaking out toogod what the he gonna dooh god just gotta hold your breathe i can see you're really upset aboutthisright technology will always have flawsjust like humansgood day gentlemenwhat the first evidence of intelligentlifeoff the earth was discovered hmmhere are the answers i hopeand here we go with that music againit's so terrifyingoh boy what's going ongod what what what what happensoh all alignment[Music]oh jesusoh wowwe've gone off the deep end folksoh jesusthose shots are comical yet terrifyingat the same timewhat does this all meani'm trying to piece together anexplanationor what i'm seeingoh what why are we back hereso are we going back to that monolith inthe beginninglike back in time and yeah like are weseeing the creation of the earth herelike a bunch of molten lava and thecreation of theoh what wha what what's going onohwha wha what's going on guysi definitely want to read into thislater becausehuhi mean just a random guess but is it isthis supposed to be like heavenwith all the white and i'velike he seems to be transitioningbetween like the pod then him then oldhim in the space suit nowhim here andwhatsure why notso is this like reincarnationsomething like that[Music]looks very creepy[Music]wow i don't really know what to say uhthat was something so that was 2001 aspace odysseyi will admit this is my second timetrying to film this ending reviewreaction thoughts because like i'mtrying toyou know say my thoughts but i just keepthinking about that ending and all thesedifferent interpretations keep cominginto my headand you know i i honestly love movieslike this where you have tointerpret you know the differentmeanings and you have to think about thediffthe deeper themes and you know i'll getmy millennial complaint out of the waythis movie is slow right there's a lotof moments where i'm like okay we canget this going right when uhdave is trying to rescue the other humani forget his name umyou know he has to rescue him from outerspace where halyou know has kind of taken over i'm likeokay guysi understand what's going on here let'slet's bring up the pace a bitbut of course you know also you also gotto think about when this movie was madein the 1960s andthe just the effects are amazing theyaretruly spectacular even still rightpacing you know i'll get my millennialcomplaint out of the way so if you guyswant to hate me for thatby all means but i really did enjoy thismovie like the music in it was fantasticyou know from the opening and the endingright that famous songyou know it's been parodied to death umyou know but then i also love how youhave like this ballettype of music and like this orchestraltype of music for space travel right youknow no gravityand it's very graceful it's very elegantright and you have no gravity right soit's veryflowy and you know i feel like thattotally works forspace travel um you know andof course the sound is so important likewhen we see the monolithsyou know the sound is just so terrifyingyou know and it reminds me of uh inbambi righta weird comparison i know but like dripdrip drop little april showerand when the thunder comes you go[Music]that is just terrifying it scared me asa kid and hearing this nowit's like yeah it's it's crazy i do havesome notes here so i try not to get uhtoo off track but you know let's talkabout howi noticed that he has like a halo aroundhim right he's alwayslike has a spotlight or has some lightaround him i don't know what that'ssupposed to meanright like maybe like hal is god oryou know and i notice that hal is in thesame shape as the monolith rightbut with the red eye on it so again likethere's got to be something there i'mgoing to be thinking about this moviefora long while and i think that this movieyou know it's not supposed to give usall the answers it's supposed to be upfor interpretation right like thatendinglike there's no way you can just anyonecan just look at that and go like oh igot itright i think that if you do you knowend up just getting thethe answer for that ending i don't knowif stanley kubrickum intended that you know what i meanlike i've seen a couple of his moviesbefore and i know that heis you know wanting the audience tohave a different reaction than just mostyou know standard hollywoodum you know adventure films right justlike in indiana jones or star wars rightlikethose are more family friendly that'snot the right word thoughyou know more mainstream i guess likethis movie's not supposed toum you know give.
you just the standardhollywood feeling this movie's supposedto make you think and it's supposed totriggeryour subconscious like i definitely knowthat that's what he's trying to doum you know and likeoh man it's just going crazy like hal ithought was greatyou know um i love how he's playingchess with dave i think that's a greatmetaphor for what he does you know hepositions his piecesand then he strikes right checkmate youknow so he kind of gains their trust andthen you know he kind ofsays oh there's going to be a failurehere and he basically starts to plan outhistakeover right and again i don't know ifthat's like he's doing thatintentionally he's doing thesemalfunctions on purposeum to you know for the sake of themission orif he actually is just malfunctioningright and you can't douh you can't trust ai again i haven'ti have yet to really sit down and reallythink about this movieyou know again i just jotted down somenotes but likeyou know every single organism i i guesswill fight for survivalright and that's what the ai does andyou know like i guess i'll talk aboutthe ending like it evokes questionsit doesn't give you answers but you knowi kind of read it as the monoliths werelike aliens or like god god to usright and every time that we see themonolithsthere's always some progression inlike humanity right like when we firstsee the monoliththese primitive apes learn how to usetoolsright and then the second time that wesee it um is on the moonand you know that's when they say okaygo to jupiterand then i guess we see the monolith injupiterright and then we get all those flashinglights and you knowi don't condone this behavior but i will tell you guys i took psychedelics once and i'm noteven kidding you i saw that like where there's just a line in the middle.
Then all these justcolors were flashing by it was bizarreso again this movie was made in the 60s you know what i mean like oh that's awhole other rabbit hole and thenyou know we seewe see uh dave in this differentroom and like is it heaven right and hekind of sees his life flash before hiseyesyou know he's he's just normal dave andthen he sees older davein the in the suit and it's in thisweird room with this kind of like age ofenlightenmentoh my godage of enlightenment furniture andpaintings and stuff like that's gotta bethat's gotta be something right age ofenlightenment he's seeing his life flashbefore his eyesand then you know you see like the oldumlike you see him dying in the bed rightand he kind of like reaches out towardsthe monolithwith his like michelangelo's photo oh mygodand then of course he turns into thisnewbeing right this like new type ofsuper being or alien or this weirdyou know kind of new species and thenthey're going down to earth right so isthat going to be like a messiah figureman it's justwow you know and and and rating itit's it's tough because i enjoy talkingabout this stuffand digging into the deeper themes andi'm sure i'm going to be thinking aboutmore and i want to watch this movieagainyou know i'm going to watch it on my ownyou know on the big screen tv this timeum you know maybe with some friends anddiscuss it and really find out itsmeaningsbut you know like i will admit you knowmy millennial complaint is still thereright like i did think thatit dragged in some parts you know theparts wherelike it's after the movie where i reallyfeelit's its weight so it it's tough i wantto say that i love it becausei'm just thinking about all these things and i'm going to be thinking about this movie for a long time and trying to interpret the messages and again guys i might be completely wrong i'm just interpreting it right after seeing the movie you know if you guys have any other theories or if you guys know whathappens and i'm just completely out to lunch let me know right like i am totally willing to hearevery single theory every single explanation i'm totally down for iti want to discuss it right and i feel like i'm going to be discussing this movie for a long time but then again you know it it dragged right in parts where i felt like you know what i liked the ballet type of space travel in the beginning but you know after the intermission i guess where there's kind of the other space travel and there's you know him dave trying to fix the spaceship i'm like okay this is taking a long time butten again like you have to realize that it was made in the 60s right so you know our attention spans as human beings have definite dropped in the last 20 years uh especially in my generation right i can fully admit that so watching this back then i'm sure would have been you know a totally different experience but then again i've heard that this movie did not get the critical reception that it did or that it has now right it was like they didn't get good reviews back then.
because of those reasons and I can fully admit that yeah some points are just very slow and you know you I don't think you really need it to be that slow but then again I am fully acknowledging that I am a millennial watching this movie.
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